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Aries Full Moon October 20, 2021

The Aries Full Moon on Wednesday brings a climax to situationships, friends with benefits, and temporary bonds between people. Our Full Moon is located at 27º Aries, which is the third decan of this sign (the last ten degrees). The ruler of Aries, Mars, is exiled in Libra. Austin Coppock’s book on the 36 decans of the zodiac, 36 Faces, explains the deeper meaning of the last decan of Aries and Libra where this Full Moon and its ruler sit for this lunation.

Full Moon energy is about coming full circle, overflowing emotions, and balancing out opposing energies. It represents a culmination point of your manifestations that were planted six months ago. The Aries New Moon from April 11, 2021 marked a starting point for any intentions set at that time regarding your feelings about autonomy and independence. What have you manifested since then? What needs balancing now? 

Think about the quality of all the relationships in your life and decide which ones are not allowing you to grow or feel free. Recognize your own aspirations and reclaim your autonomy as needed.

If you’ve bonded with someone because you have a shared perspective or because you’ve shared a traumatic experience, this Full Moon could be bringing those relationships full circle. Perhaps fiery attraction and charm brought you together, but you now realize the initial spark has since faded away. You could realize that this person was using their charisma or charm just to assert themselves and get ahead. Or perhaps you’re the one who used your charm to establish a relationship for self-serving reasons or survival. The origin of this bond you share was less about fairness and justice and more about self-preservation. If you’ve been on the fence about how to address a situation like this in your life, this Full Moon might be your opportunity to balance things out. 

Do you need to take your relationship to the next level with more commitment or do you need to let someone go? Sometimes forward motion is only possible when things are unbalanced, but coming back to equilibrium once the objective is met is the best way to avoid overdoing it. People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Not everyone is supposed to be around forever. Let things come to an end when they are due to expire. Failing to do so can hold us back.

People with any significant placements at 27º Aries or Libra will feel this Full Moon the most. For a more personal evaluation of how this Full Moon is guiding you, look at your birth chart to see which houses hold Aries and Libra. The significations of the houses will show you the areas of life associated with this Full Moon. You can also find any placements sitting between 22º-27º of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and consider the symbology of the placements you find within that range of degrees. This can help guide you through the next six months until the next Aries New Moon in the spring of 2022.