Gemini Full Moon December 18, 2021
Highlighted visual of the Full Moon at 27º Gemini on Dec 18, 2021
On December 18, 2021 there is a Full Moon at 27º Gemini. A Full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon align on opposite sides of the Earth. As soon as the Moon hits 27º Gemini, it will be directly opposing the Sun which is sitting at 27º Sagittarius. The Full Moon during Sagittarius season is always in Gemini because these two signs oppose each other on the zodiac wheel.
Full Moons represent a culmination point and can feature heightened emotions and a need to find balance. The Moon can signify our emotions, instincts, and subconscious. The Sun can signify our consciousness, spirit, or focus. When these two are opposing, it symbolizes a time when we have to bring awareness to our feelings in order to honor them.
Gemini is the sign of curiosity, mental agility, and duality while Sagittarius is the sign of reason, belief systems, and the search for truth. This Full Moon is asking us to reflect on how our mental state has been influencing our ability to learn, pursue goals, and be inspired. Have we been doing too much thinking and not enough understanding? Have our belief systems stunted our ability to be rational? Has our pursuit of the facts overshadowed the truth? Have we focused too much on duality and not enough on integration?
The last ten degrees of Gemini is also known as the third decan of Gemini. According to astrologer Austin Coppock, author of 36 Faces, the third decan of Gemini symbolizes the realization that you must decide between two things because they cannot meaningfully coexist. At a certain point, having both at once becomes destructive or impossible. You will find a need to end one thing in order to allow the other to thrive. Getting rid of one option for the sake of the other is not easy and takes a certain level of maturity. Your mind cannot be in two places at once. Your beliefs can’t contradict each other. What needs to be eliminated in order for you to grow and make progress?
This Full Moon will be exactly 120º from Jupiter in Aquarius, which forms a trine aspect. This is a strong supportive aspect from the planet of stabilization and growth in a forward thinking sign. This can create a sense of positivity and optimism for what the future holds.
People with significant placements near 27º Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces in their birth chart will feel the effects of this Full Moon the most. Check your birth chart to see which houses hold the Gemini and Sagittarius axis. This will indicate the specific areas of life that will be experiencing this climax for you personally.
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