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Saturn Moves Into Aquarius

Saturn is the furthest planet in our solar system that we can see with our naked eye. We track Saturn’s movement through the zodiac and take note of the sign it occupies. Astrologically, Saturn is the time-keeper and a strict disciplinary figure that teaches us some of life’s hardest lessons. It takes Saturn about three years to pass through each zodiac sign. Whenever Saturn changes signs, the metaphorical attitude or “wardrobe” of Saturn changes and gives a different feel. 

It takes Saturn about three years to transit any sign so Saturn will be in Aquarius until March 2023. Coming from Capricorn, we just experienced three heavy years of harsh realizations about our government that showed us how our traditional structures are outdated. Now in Aquarius, Saturn will show us how we need to implement modern ideologies to rearrange society in ways that will benefit our future. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, so this is only the midpoint of Saturn’s strongest pass through the zodiac.

The Saturn orbit takes about thirty years. In astrology, when Saturn completes an orbit, it represents a maturity milestone. Astrologers call this the Saturn Return, which occurs once every thirty years of a person’s life. Usually, they build upon the last.

Have you had your first Saturn Return yet? If you are passed your first one, think back to the life events that helped you mature around the ages of 27-32. 

Astrologers are able to interpret how someone’s Saturn Return will pan out based on a variety of indicators. Sometimes knowing what to expect helps to “lessen the blow”. We can be mentally prepared for the big developments that inevitably come.  

At this moment, Saturn is at the final degree of Capricorn so those born with Saturn in Capricorn will finally be done with their Saturn Return after a long three years. Saturn will be moving into the sign of Aquarius next. Anyone who was born February 6, 1991 through January 28, 1994 will be experiencing their Saturn Returns until March 7, 2023. 

Technically, Saturn in Aquarius people got a short taste of their Saturn Return earlier this year. On March 21-July 1, 2020 Saturn entered the first couple degrees of Aquarius before it went backwards or retrograded back into Capricorn. So when Saturn re-enters Aquarius on you may begin to notice similar themes reactivating. Saturn moves into Aquarius again December 16, 2020.

Aquarian Saturn Returns would involve learning how to do things that benefit everyone, dedicating yourself to a progressive idea, or breaking away from outdated traditions. It’s growing out of self-centered habits, understanding how to take others into consideration, and figuring out new ways to feel safe and secure. Outcomes vary based on other considerations in your birth chart.

This will be playing out until March 2023. The height of each person’s Saturn Return differs based on when transiting Saturn reaches the exact degree of their natal Saturn.

For a more in depth look at Saturn Returns in general check out this older episode of The Astrology Podcast.

For more info on Saturn Returns in Capricorn please check out The Astrology Podcast’s newest episode

You can reach out to me if you’re looking for an astrologer to interpret your Saturn Return. I’d love to set up a consultation with you.