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Sun in Libra 2021 Equinox

The first day of fall (or spring) is tomorrow! We are approaching the equinox, which means we have reached a point in the year where there are equal amounts of day and night (almost). Since the Sun’s upper edge defines sunrise as opposed to the geometric center of the Sun, there are always a few minutes extra of daylight on equinoxes. Also the Earth’s atmosphere refracts sunlight so even after sunrise and sunset, there is still some sunlight lingering on the horizon. Not even the equator experiences exactly equal day and night. Depending on the latitude of your location, the zenith of “equal day and night” is different. The northern hemisphere has their fall equinox anywhere between Sept 25-Oct 17 while the southern hemisphere has their spring equinox anywhere between Aug 29-Sept 20.

According to astrology, the second equinox of the year occurs when the Sun enters Libra. The Sun’s transit through a sign symbolizes what is being highlighted for the collective. Libra season will be from Sept 22-Oct 23, 2021. Happy birth month to all the Libras!

Libra is a cardinal air sign, which means it is associated with the action, creation, and initiation of information, thought, and rationality. When the Sun transits Libra, society becomes highly aware of subjects like equality, cooperation, collaboration, diplomacy, and fairness. Libra is the scales of justice and commerce. It measures the value of trade and social matters. Libra season highlights pleasant relationships, how we relate to others, and valuable social skills. It also deals with pricing, sales, bartering, allocation, weights, measuring, and sharing.

To make sense of this, think about how the Harvest Moon just happened a few days ago. It symbolized us harvesting the “crops” that we’ve been growing. Now after the harvest we set out to put a price on our crops and sell them to the community. We need the proper people skills to be able be an effective salesman and we need to be able to put a fair price on our supply. The more positive relationships you have, the more you can sell.

This Libra Season reflect on your relationships and what you value in other people. Are you making fair and equal exchanges? Who makes you feel good? Do you need to make amends with someone or play devil’s advocate? Try seeing things from the other person’s perspective. Make sure your close partnerships all have a shared agreement about the explicit and implicit terms and conditions of your relationship. This applies to business, personal, and romantic relationships.

The Sun will be taking part in some notable astrological events during Libra season. The Sun has just joined Mercury and Mars in the sign of Libra. The Sun, Mercury, and Mars will form a triple conjunction at 16º of Libra on October 9th. Also, the Sun is involved in a New Moon on October 6th and a Full Moon on October 20th. The New Moon will include a second triple conjunction with the Sun, Moon, and Mars all at 13º of Libra. This is a pretty rare occurrence! 

Here is a list of all the main Libra Sun aspects and events of 2021:

  • Sept 22- Sun enters Libra

  • Sept 26- Sun trine North Node retrograde at 3º Gemini

  • Sept 29- Sun trine Saturn retrograde at 6º Aquarius

  • Oct 3- Sun opposite Chiron at 10º Aries

  • Oct 6- New Moon at 13º Libra

  • Oct 7- Sun conjunct Mars at 15º Libra

  • Oct 9- Mercury retrograde conjunct Sun and Mars at 16º Libra 

  • Oct 15- Sun trine Jupiter retrograde at 22º Aquarius

  • Oct 17- Sun square Pluto at 24º Capricorn

  • Oct 20- Full Moon at 27º Aries

  • Oct 23- Sun enters Scorpio

Check to see which house Libra is in your birth chart. This will show you some of the areas of life where Libra energy could be highlighted this month.