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Virgo New Moon 2021

There is a New Moon today Monday Sept 6, 2021 at 14º Virgo. The New Moon signifies the beginning of a six month cycle.

In Virgo, the New Moon brings a fresh start specifically to subjects of health, cleaning, routines, and getting your life in order. Break down certain areas of your life and optimize them. It's time for quality control and detail-oriented problem solving. How can you improve upon certain areas of life so you can best be of service to others?

The new cycle starting today will be completed on the next Virgo lunation, which is the Full Moon at 27º Virgo on March 18, 2022.

Check your birth chart to see where Virgo is located in your chart. Whichever house Virgo is in your chart will tell you the areas of life that are being highlighted for this six month Virgo lunation cycle. You can leave it at that, or look further into your chart to see how you can better address what this Virgo lunation cycle is asking of you.

To do so, check your birth chart to see if you have any placements from 14º to 27º in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces). Any placements sitting within this range of degrees in your chart will give you more context about the best approach.

For example, since Virgo is in my second house, I will be looking at my finances, livelihood, and self-esteem with a fine-toothed comb. I will meditate on how I can clean up these areas of my life and optimize them. Financial health and improving my self-concept will be my focus. How does my self-worth influence my income? How can I put myself in a better position financially? What new routines do I need to instill into my life to make that happen?

So since I have placements at 25º Virgo (asteroid Pallas), 24º Sagittarius (Mercury), and 21º Pisces (asteroid Hygeia), this tells me which things to specifically focus on in order to make the most of my Virgo lunation cycle. Things like creative & strategic intelligence, the way I take in information and communicate, medicinal healing, and personal hygiene will all be things that assist me on my journey to financial health, a better livelihood, and higher self-esteem.

I will be doing a special meditation about all of this in honor of the Virgo New Moon. This includes writing a list of my intentions and goals over the next six months. I'd love to know what kind of New Moon rituals you do, if any.

Happy New Moon!