Jupiter Direct in Aquarius 2021

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Jupiter first entered the sign of Aquarius in December 2020. It progressed through the sign until it entered Pisces on May 13th. After moving through the first degrees of Pisces, Jupiter retrograded at 2º11’ Pisces on June 20th. In reverse, Jupiter re-entered Aquarius on July 28th. Its retrograde period has lasted until now and will finally move direct on October 17th at 22º19’ Aquarius.

It’s important to note how May 13th was the first day of Jupiter in Pisces and it coincided with the CDC’s mask policy update stating that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask. Then the day Jupiter left Pisces and re-entered Aquarius, the policy backpedaled asking vaccinated and unvaccinated people to wear masks again. This scarily exact correlation of mask mandates lining up with Jupiter entering and leaving Pisces points to the symbolism of Jupiter in Pisces and Aquarius. It also suggests new mask mandates might be proposed when Jupiter enters Pisces again in December.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance, expansion, knowledge, exploration, cohesion, positivity, and luck. Jupiter affirms and stabilizes by nature. It also protects and supports. Jupiter in Aquarius has been acting as the voice of reason during this pandemic. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, which symbolizes an unchangeable non-traditional mindset. Aquarius energy is concerned with looking towards the future, letting go of convention, and establishing new rules for the betterment of society. Some Jupiter archetypes are the doctor, the teacher, and the lawmakers. All three of these archetypes have been very present guiding us through the pandemic. Doctors and teachers have been begging the rest of us to follow the new rules of quarantining, social distancing, and masking- things that we haven’t traditionally done in the past. Lawmakers have been changing the laws to help implement these vital precautions. Jupiter in Aquarius has been responsible for helping society establish a new covid-conscious lifestyle since vaccinations were introduced. Jupiter in Aquarius has also been copresent with Saturn, the planet of caution, strict rules, restrictions, and limits. This extra Saturnian influence in Aquarius adds the essence of deadly consequences to the mix.

Jupiter in Pisces is a completely different vibe. This sign is one of Jupiter’s domiciles where it is at full strength. Pisces energy lacks boundaries and is more about togetherness. It’s about accepting things on faith and integrating internal contradictions. While Jupiter was in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, we felt more free to gather and more positive about life despite covid’s presence in society. Pisces is a mutable water sign, which deals with being emotionally receptive and adaptive. So when Jupiter re-enters Pisces at the end of December, we might be less focused on rules and regulations and more focused on feeling joy and connection. However, Saturn will continue to be in Aquarius until 2023, so this does not indicate an end to the dangers of the pandemic. Pisces embraces the tension of opposites in order to move toward oneness, so more mixed signals could come to the forefront. The CDC policies may shift again at the end of the year despite the virus’ continued presence in the population. Perhaps as more people get vaccinated, the number of covid cases and deaths will reduce and stabilize again in December. As we enter 2022, the general attitude of the official mandates could become- “do what you feel is right, but take responsibility for the potential risks”. Official precautionary policies might start to relax or become optional around this time.

Until then, Jupiter is retracing its steps through the end degrees of Aquarius and early degrees of Pisces. Jupiter will move out of the post-shadow period when it reaches 2º12’ Pisces on January 8, 2022. Saturn will also be leaving its post-shadow period in Aquarius a week later on Jan 15th. In turn, mid January could feel like our experience of the pandemic has advanced into a new phase.

For now, continue to exercise precaution until further notice. The optimism of Jupiter in Pisces replaces logic for emotion. It can come with gullibility and confusion with little sense of reality. Despite being something to look forward to, Jupiter in Pisces will not be a fix-all. It could be dangerous in a whole new way. Utilize your intuition, don’t let your emotions get the best of you, and keep track of the truth. This will become even more important mid April when Jupiter conjoins Neptune at 23º58’ Pisces.

Check to see where Aquarius and Pisces is in your birth chart. The symbolism of these house locations and the placements there will add to your experience of this transit. Any relevant aspects and the condition of your natal Jupiter will also contribute to your individual circumstances. The area of your chart with Aquarius will feel a sense of progress again as Jupiter moves direct and the area of your chart with Pisces will soon feel stronger and more supported. Transiting Jupiter will move direct until it leaves Pisces on May 10, 2022 and it won’t retrograde again until July 28th at 8º Aries.


Mercury Direct in Libra 2021


Saturn Direct in Aquarius 2021