Libra New Moon 2021

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There is a New Moon at 13º Libra on October 6, 2021. The New Moon symbolizes new beginnings. In Libra, this is an opportunity for a fresh start regarding business, personal, and romantic relationships. Look to see which house Libra is in your birth chart. This will tell you more about the areas of life influenced by this New Moon.

The New Moon features the Sun, Moon, and Mars all at 13º Libra. The presence of Mars indicates that this New Moon comes with martial energy. The ruling planet of this New Moon is Venus, which is currently in Scorpio. This suggests that we will be driven by a desire to protect ourselves from hostile or vulnerable situations.

This New Moon is happening in the second decan of Libra, which symbolizes contracts. You could find yourself signing a contract with gusto, or forcefully breaking one.

If you’re closely associated with someone who is acting against your best interests, it may be time to let them go. Think about anyone in your life who is supposed to be honoring a contract or agreement they have with you. It’s a good time to evaluate whether the terms and conditions of your relationship are being upheld or violated. Don’t be afraid to separate yourself or completely cut yourself off from partnerships where your trust has been broken, you’ve experienced betrayal, or there has been an illegal breach of contract. If your partner has stabbed you in the back it may be time to declare your relationship null and void. Some people may just be saying what you want to hear so they can continue to be sneaky and subversive. Some may be using fake charm or using flattery to manipulate you. Confront the situation in the most diplomatic way possible.

With Mars directly conjoined to the New Moon, you might experience feelings of aggression, irritation, anger, or annoyance. It would be wise to stay emotionally and energetically balanced as you deal with this. To avoid combative energy you could sweat it out with exercise, hit the sauna, or take a cold shower. On the flipside, you could feel energized by Mars in a good way. Ready to start a new venture.

This New Moon is opposite to the asteroid Chiron, which represents our deepest wounds and how to heal them. With Chiron in Aries, we may be dealing with emotional wounds related to being independent, causing friction, or being assertive. It might be time to face these sensitivities head-on. Courage and bravery could assist you in this process.

For context, our last New Moon in Libra was Oct 16, 2020 at 23º Libra. Think about what was going on in your relationships during that time. The condition of last year’s Libra New Moon was rough. It was opposite to Mars and squaring our triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. This year, Mars is seeing things from the other side and Chiron is helping us heal. It seems that we have come full circle from last year’s challenges.

People with placements at 13º of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn in their birth charts will feel this the most.

During New Moons we can think about what we would like to manifest over the next six months. The intentions we set now should come to fruition by the corresponding Full Moon at 26º Libra on April 16, 2022. 

Look in your birth chart to find any placements you may have from 13º-26º of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. The symbolism of any placements you find might help you manifest over the next six months.


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