Mars in Libra 2021

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Tuesday September 14th Mars entered the sign of Libra, a sign of its antithesis. Mars rules the opposite sign, Aries. In Libra, Mars is experiencing challenges and having to adapt in unnatural ways. Libra is Venus-ruled, so Mars is tasked with figuring out how to do things in the style of Venus.

If this seems like a familiar situation, you are probably remembering how Venus is currently in a Mars-ruled sign, Scorpio. This is considered an exchange of domiciles or mutual reception. However, these planets are not aspecting each other, so they are unable to receive or “welcome” one another into their domiciles. Although there is no reception here by aspect, exchanging domiciles is still considered beneficial because it creates a stronger relationship between both planets while they are simultaneously in exile. 

The entire time Mars is transiting Libra, it is within 15º of the Sun. This means it is hidden under the beams or “combust”. Being under the beams indicates the effects of Mars are diminished due to it being burnt out by the Sun’s rays. This less effective invisible Mars in Libra could reduce the harsh effects of this malefic planet, but also bring about secretive activities. An enemy could be working against you behind the scenes or perhaps you could be the one strategizing in secret. While also traveling at a high speed, the effects of Mars may quickly sneak up on us.

Mars in Libra is a highly energetic, irritated planet in a sign that requires a delicate touch to keep the scales of justice in balance. Mars in Libra signifies things like debates, passive aggression, using strategic defense, compromising rather than winning, feeling powerless, or sparring. Check which house Libra is in your birth chart to see the areas of life that will be influenced by this transit.

Mars conjoining the Sun in transit marks two things; the midpoint between Mars retrograde periods and Mars becoming a morning star.

The second half of 2020 featured Mars in Aries, the opposite sign. It was very strong and retrograded, which allowed Mars to stay in Aries for a long six months. In mid October 2020 Mars opposed the Sun and became an evening star. At this time we weren’t only dealing with our first year of the pandemic, but the United States was also experiencing the most volatile political election of all time. This was exhausting for everyone. Now with Mars in Libra halfway between retrograde periods, the collective can distinctly reflect on the effects of that time. 

Mars will have enough distance from the Sun to be seen rising in the mornings in mid November 2021. Until then Mars is wrapping up a significant cycle, which I think is welcomed by everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if legal recourse regarding the 2020 election quietly develops during this transit. 

Some ways to redirect and channel this Mars in Libra energy may include things like weightlifting, exercising to music, hot yoga, martial arts, partner dancing, anger management or couples therapy, screaming into a pillow, using candles or incense, smudging your space, donating money to veterans, cryotherapy, using turmeric to reduce inflammation, and wearing red or yellow.

Here are the main Mars in Libra events:

  • Sept 20: Mars trine North Node Rx (Full Moon in Pisces)

  • Sept 25: Mars trine Saturn Rx

  • Oct 1: Mars opposite Chiron

  • Oct 7: Sun conjunct Mars (Pluto stations direct, Libra New Moon, Venus enters Sagittarius)

  • Oct 9: Mercury Rx conjunct Mars 

  • Oct 18: Mars trine Jupiter (Jupiter stations direct)

  • Oct 21: Mars square Pluto

  • Oct 30: Mars leaves Libra and enters Scorpio


Full Moon in Pisces 2021


Venus in Scorpio 2021