Venus in Scorpio 2021

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Venus entered Scorpio today. Coming from Libra, Venus switched from having full strength in rulership to a sign where she experiences many challenges. Now also opposite to Taurus, Venus is in a sign of her antithesis, otherwise known as exile. In Scorpio, Venus is in an uncomfortable environment that is ruled by Mars. 

Venus unifies and reconciles, while Mars separates and severs. Venus and Mars signify the love and war polarity. Scorpio energy tends to focus on what could go wrong, while Venus focuses on what could go right. Venus happily enjoys the satisfaction of cooperation, loves to attract others for pleasure, and sees the beauty in others and in life. Scorpio is highly aware of death, avoids others, and even scares them off.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign that by nature protects the emotions that come with intimacy. Scorpio is always on the defense, utilizing preemptive suspicion and intuition to see through ill intentions. Scorpio sensitivities are guarded with a thick shell. The vulnerability required to make a deep connection with someone is very painful when violated. A significant amount of trust needs to be cultivated before Scorpio energy can even consider letting down its guard and there are extreme consequences that come with betrayal. Scorpionic anger gives a deadly sting to anyone that commits a breach of faith. The Scorpio archetype struggles to feel safe and secure confiding in anyone. They know people can be too self-centered or lack the emotional depth needed to understand how they feel inside. This contributes to Scorpio’s feelings of loneliness. So when they do find their confidante, they expect full commitment and permanence from them.

When Venus transits Scorpio, she can soften its sharp edge a bit. She creates passionate lovers, admirers of death, and those who find the grotesque charming. 

Venus will be transiting Scorpio until October 7, 2021. So until then maybe rewatch The Addams Family, Edward Scissorhands, Corpse Bride, or Beetlejuice. Try some black lipstick or nail polish. Visit a loved one in the graveyard. Appreciate Venus’s capacity to show us that mourning is an expression of love and grief is really just heartache. 


Mars in Libra 2021


Virgo New Moon 2021