
Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2021
Amanda Sophia Amanda Sophia

Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2021

Mercury will soon retrograde for the third and final time in 2021. A retrograde is when any planet moves backward in the zodiac. This time Mercury will be retrograding from 25º to 10º of Libra. Retrogrades symbolize a time when we reevaluate, review, or reconsider things associated with a certain sign and planet…

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Full Moon in Pisces 2021
Amanda Sophia Amanda Sophia

Full Moon in Pisces 2021

Symbolically, the Virgo and Pisces axis represents the balance between technical and intuitive knowing. Virgo is the awareness of how systems on this physical plane work together and Pisces is the awareness of how metaphysical systems work together…

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Mars in Libra 2021
Amanda Sophia Amanda Sophia

Mars in Libra 2021

Tuesday September 14th Mars entered the sign of Libra, a sign of its antithesis. Mars rules the opposite sign, Aries. In Libra, Mars is experiencing challenges and having to adapt in unnatural ways. Libra is Venus-ruled, so Mars is tasked with figuring out how to do things in the style of Venus…

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Venus in Scorpio 2021
Amanda Sophia Amanda Sophia

Venus in Scorpio 2021

“Venus entered Scorpio today. Coming from Libra, Venus switched from having full strength in rulership to a sign where she experiences many challenges. Now also opposite to Taurus, Venus is in a sign of her antithesis, otherwise known as exile. In Scorpio, Venus is in an uncomfortable environment that is ruled by Mars…”

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Virgo New Moon 2021
Amanda Sophia Amanda Sophia

Virgo New Moon 2021

There is a New Moon today Monday Sept 6, 2021 at 14º Virgo. The New Moon signifies the beginning of a six month cycle. In Virgo, the New Moon brings a fresh start specifically to subjects of health, cleaning, routines, and getting your life in order. Break down certain areas of your life and optimize them. It’s time for quality control and detail-oriented problem solving…

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