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Saturn Direct in Aquarius 2021

Saturn first entered the sign of Aquarius in December 2020. It was progressing through the sign until it reached 13º31’ Aquarius and started to move in reverse on May 23, 2021. Saturn is now at 6º52’ Aquarius where it will begin to move forward again. It’s important to note the range of degrees that were involved in this retrograde period. Saturn first reached 6º52’ Aquarius on February 14, 2021 and it will not return to 13º31’ Aquarius until Jan 15, 2022.

Prior to retrograding, the first range of dates from February 14th to May 23rd is called the pre-shadow period. Then the retrograde period was from May 23rd to Oct 10th, and finally, October 10th to Jan 15th is referred to as the post-shadow period.

We can evaluate these three periods of time to see how certain events are playing out in our lives. The pre-shadow period introduced events that we would later revisit during the retrograde period. The post-shadow period is when these events will reach a conclusion. Think back to what you’ve been dealing with during these stages and see if you can identify any Saturn in Aquarius themes that have been playing out. Did these things reach a new stage of development during the retrograde period? Whatever was related to this transit during that time will be reaching the final stage of development by mid January. After Saturn moves past the post-shadow period in January, it will start to break new ground in Aquarius. This will come with a feeling of moving past certain issues and progressing on to new matters.

Saturn signifies strict rules and regulations, restriction, limits, rigidity, consequences, and mortality. It can confine, oppress, deprive, reject, exclude, and cause suffering. Saturn functions as the moderator for reaping what you sow. With Saturn, the way you respond to challenges determines the outcome.

Aquarius is one of Saturn’s domiciles where it is at full strength. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, which represents the unchangeable mind. It signifies the forward-thinking approach that rejects certain paradigms of society to build a better future. It’s about thinking outside-the-box to imagine a new set of rules and protocols; progressing past tradition to benefit the collective. It can signify things with a community focus, social structures, affiliations, contributions to society, groups, and ideals.

The symbolism of Saturn in Aquarius can also involve preserving your mental health. Burdens of the mind are heavy and serious. Being a critical thinker can be stressful and lonely at times. In order to keep a stable mind and stay focused on your objectives, it’s vital to manage the potential depression and anxiety that may come with it. These issues require concentration, endurance, and patience. Discipline, objectivity, and sustained effort will reap rewards. Indisputable facts assist in reinforcing rationality. Dedication to a cause and self-preservation go hand-in-hand. Utilize support from like-minded people, spend quality time with friends, and carefully consider the information you choose to consume. Establish clear boundaries for yourself to avoid burning out. 

Check to see where Aquarius is in your birth chart. The symbolism of the house location and placements there will add to your experience of this transit. Any relevant aspects and the condition of your natal Saturn will also contribute to your individual circumstances.

People who have Saturn as their chart ruler, timelord, or those with Saturn in Aquarius natally will feel this the most. In addition, people with placements at 6°-13° Aquarius will also notice a more direct influence.

Saturn will now be moving direct until it reaches 25º15’ Aquarius on June 4, 2022. Then it will retrograde back to 18º35’ Aquarius and station direct again on Oct 22, 2022.